Ordine Martinista Aurei Philosophi
The Martinist Order Aurei Philosophi was born in 2017 as an esoteric circle within the Societas Italica Rosae + Crucis. The Aurei Philosophi are in interior continuity and in initiatory chain coming from the Past Masters Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and Martinez de Pasqually, as well as from Jakob Bohme. The Order has as its purpose the Reintegration of man, nature and worlds.
The foundation of the Aurei Philosophi was necessary to complete the Rosicrucian path, according to the Via del Cuore traced by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. The Aurei Philosophi are therefore born in the Rosicrucian ideal of Universality, whereby members can freely join the Order without any obligation to renounce other esoteric paths previously undertaken, provided that these are under the aegis of Christ.
The Martinist degrees conferred are:
Associate Incognito A:::I:::
Incognito Initiate I:::I:::
Unknown Superior S:::I:::
Unknown Superior Initiator S:::I:::I:::
Through the succession of martinist degrees, the Aurei Philosophi help the Martinist brothers and sisters continue on their path towards spiritual liberation by increasing their esoteric knowledge, inner capacities and working for the common good, that of the Orders and of humanity in its evolution. . Candidates must demonstrate that they are Men of Desire, who will be taught to wear the Mask and Cloak and to cut illusions by means of the double-edged blade of the initiatory Sword. After the attainment of the degree of S ::: I ::: it is possible to access, by invitation, other internal orders connected to the Martinist tradition.
The Martinist initiatory lines that have come down to us derive from various temporal and spatial confluences connected to the Superiors Unknown Free Initiators, as well as through Concordats with other Martinist Orders that espouse the same Rosicrucian ideal of Universality.
The Order is present in Italy:
Fresonara, Bassano del Grappa, Rome, Cagliari and Rossano Calabro.
And in the world:
Dublin, Berlin, Lugano, Las Palmas.

Martinist Concordats
The Societas Italica Rosae+Crucis and the Martinist Order Aurei Philosophi are pleased to forge friendships with other Rosicrucian or Martinist Orders who have at heart the ideal of the authentic Brotherhood of the Spirit, unity of purpose beyond exterior differences.